規則 Rules and Regulations
1. Enrollment and Course Information 報名及課堂須知
1.1 Places are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Places to our courses will be confirmed upon successful payment. 學額以先到先得形式分配。學位是必須成功地付款後,才會被確認。
1.2 We give priority to current students who re-enroll the course. 舊生可獲優先取錄。
1.3. Current students shall complete enrollment and settle payment at least 7 days prior to the commencement of the course, or else they shall be deemed as opting out the course.
1.4 We accept bank transfer, FPS transfer, online credit card or cheque payment payable to “Max Education Company Limited”. We do not accept cash.
1.5 Each course lasts for two months. 每期課程為期二個月。
1.6 All students should take full enrollment for each course. We may accept late enrollment for new students and charge proportionally. 所有課程必須全期報讀。插班報讀只適合新生,學費將按比例計算。
1.7 Discounts are NOT applicable to late enrollment. 任何優惠均不適用於插班報讀。
1.8 Our courses are provided to our members only. An one-off membership fee of HKD$280 will be charged.
1.9 A training shirt and a pair of shorts are included in the membership fee. Please contact us for any extra shirt purchase (HKD$ 280 per set). 會員費包括制服一套。如需額外購買制服,請聯絡本學院 (制服每套港幣二百八十元正)。
1.10 Students are obliged to attend the lessons in our uniform, otherwise students may be barred from attending the lesson(s). It is also recommended to bring a set of clothing to change and prepare your own drinking water. 學員必須穿著本會制服上課,否則導師有權拒絕學生上課。另建議攜帶替換的衣物、適量水以備飲用。
1.11 All students are required to attend the classes on time, latecomers or early leavers will not be given extra time. 請各學員於上課時間準時出席,遲到者或早退者將不給予補時。
1. 11 With the exception of course cancellation, once enrollment is complete and the fees are paid, fees will be non-refundable, non-deferrable to another enrollment period and non-transferable to others. 除課程取消外,所有一經確認報名及繳交費用,本會恕不接受任何理由之退款申請,已繳費用恕不退還。學員如無故缺席、事假、病假或退學,已繳交之學費將不設退款及順延,亦不得轉讓他人。
1.12 We reserve the rights to change the coaches, classes' time, date and location at our discretion with prior notice. 本會保留自行決定更改原定教練、訓練時間、訓練日期及地點的權利。受影響之學員將獲提前通知。
1.13 We reserve the right to bar students who fail to make prompt payment or join unauthorised classes to attend the class. 導師及本學員有權終止未繳付學費或未經批準而出席課堂的學員上課。
2. Absence and Make-up Class Arrangements 請假/缺席事宜須知
2.1 Full term enrolled students can apply for personal leave and sick leave in each enrolment period (2 months per period). If students would like to apply for leave application due to personal leave reasons, they must notify us at least three working days in advance. Make-up classes can only be arranged to absentees at other regular class locations and time slots within the enrolled period. Application for fees deferral to the next enrolment period or fees transfer to others are prohibited. If there is no make-up class during the enrolment period, the class will be automatically waived, and we will not make any make-up classes arrangements. The tuition fee for such classes will not be refunded. 全期報讀學員於每期(2個月為一期)可以申請事假及病假,事假需預早最少三個工作天通知本會,並只能在同一期內本會其他已開設的恆常班時段補課,但不能於現時上課時段內順延學費至下一期、申請退回學費或轉讓他人上課。 如在報讀期內未有補課,則作自動放棄該課論,本會概不作出任何補堂安排,該堂學費亦不獲退還。
3. Class Venue Arrangements 場地事宜
3.1 If the venue is closed, we reserve the right to change the venue to the nearest sports ground or other suitable location(s). Students who fail to attend the class will deemed to forfeit the class. We will not arrange any make-up classes or refund. 有關場地被租用/封閉影響,本會有權更改訓練地點,所有訓練班有機會或會轉往最近的運動場/其他合適地方繼續上課。未能出席者將放棄上課,本會不設定任何形式補堂及退款。
4. Adverse Weather Conditions Arrangements 惡劣天氣安排
4.1 In case of adverse weather condition, cancellation of classes will be announced at least 1.5 hours via WhatsApp group prior to the commencement of the lesson. If there is no special notice via WhatsApp Group, students shall assume that the classes will be held as usual. 若當天遇有天氣不穩定情況而需要取消訓練班,本學院會於開課前1.5小時在Whatsapp群組內發出特別通知。如本會沒有在WhatsApp群組內發出特別通知,當天訓練將如常進行。
4.2 If i) Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above or ii) Amber/Red/Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is hoisted by the Observatory two hours before the start of the class, the class will be automatically cancelled on that day. Fees will not be refunded or deferred to the next enrollment period. Students may arrange make-up classes at other regular class locations and time slots within the enrolled period. 若開課前兩小時天文台懸掛 i)八號或以上颱風訊號 或 ii)黃色/ 紅色 /黑色暴雨警告信號 ,當日課堂將會自動取消,所有學費及課堂不設退款或順延至下一期,學員可在同一期內本會其他已開設的恆常班地點及時段內補課。
4.3 Track and Field is a type of outdoor sports. Students may be required to train under unstable weather conditions. It is recommended to bring a set of replacement clothing. Parents are asked to weigh whether 由於田徑為戶外訓練運動,如上課前或上課期間因天氣不穩定,學員有機會會在雨天中繼續進行訓練或上課期間遇上突發情況 (到場後下大雨等情況),本會建議學員帶備替換的衣物,另請家長自行衡量是否接受上述情況而報名,如因此情況而引起不便,請見諒。
5. Notes 備註
5.1 Students are responsible for their own safety. MAX Athletic Academy accepts no responsibility and liability for any loss, injury or death of anyone participating in the course. 本學院並不負責任何因訓練以導致的損失或傷亡。
5.2 We have the right to amend the rules and regulations from time to time without prior notice. 我們有權更改規則而不作事先通知。
5.3 We does not provide any insurance for our students. Parents should pay attention to whether the personal insurance of your child is adequate and your child's physical condition and ability before participating in training. 本公司是沒有為學員提供保險的,家長須留意貴子弟的個人保險是否足夠保障,同時需留意其能力及身體狀況而參與訓練,特此通知。
5.4 If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail. 若中英文版本的詮釋有任何差別,概以中文版本為準。